Community Space

Community Space

What is the amplifyFE Community Space?

Amplify FE works to connect and amplify communities of practice for digital learning, teaching and assessment. The AmplifyFE Community Space works across the whole Further Education and Training sector in its widest terms engaging with vocational educators and those who support them.

The aim of this space is to:

  • Provide a place for vocational educators to share and learn from each other, increasing their access to learning technology expertise, digital pedagogy and professional development opportunities
  • Champion the use of accessible, inclusive learning technology to help those adult learners most impacted by the digital divide so that more people in the UK have improved access to vocational skills
  • Engage with FE groups and communities of practice and researchers in vocational learning to share best practice
  • Work across the whole Further Education and Training sector in its widest terms engaging with vocational educators and those who support them in FE Colleges, Adult and Community Learning (ACL), work-based and independent learning providers, prison learning, ESOL communities, ‘HE in FE’ providers, the whole, diverse sector.
  • To amplify the voice of professionals in strategic developments across the sector, led by organisations including ALT and Ufi.

As Amplify FE Community Space members and guests we will:

  • Celebrate and amplify the work done by FE and Training educators and supporters in vocational learning
  • Use welcoming and inclusive language
  • Be respectful of different viewpoints and experiences
  • Be allies to each other both in this community and beyond
  • Be active listeners
  • Be conscious and respectful of the challenges of sharing personal or sensitive stories and (upholding Chatham House rules unless a participant specifically requests that details be shared freely beyond the group).

The Community Space is supported through a JiscMail list, online workshops, webinars, podcasts, blogs, LinkedIn group, Twitter chats via @AmplifyFE  and a Wakelet archive as appropriate.

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AmplifyFE Community Space Events

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